Qore Programming Language Reference Manual
Old DBI Functions


*int Qore::SQL::getDBIDriverCapabilities (string driver)
 Returns an integer representing the capabilities of a DBI driver binary-OR'ed together (see DBI Capability Constants) or NOTHING if the driver is not already loaded. More...
nothing Qore::SQL::getDBIDriverCapabilities ()
 This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More...
*list Qore::SQL::getDBIDriverCapabilityList (string driver)
 Returns a list of each capability supported by the given DBI driver (see DBI Capability Constants) or NOTHING if the driver cannot be found. More...
nothing Qore::SQL::getDBIDriverCapabilityList ()
 This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More...
*list Qore::SQL::getDBIDriverList ()
 Returns a list of strings of DBI drivers currently loaded or NOTHING if no drivers are loaded. More...
hash Qore::SQL::parseDatasource (string ds)
 Returns a datasource hash of the components of a datasource string. More...
nothing Qore::SQL::parseDatasource ()
 This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments. More...

Detailed Description

Old DBI functions; see DBI Functions

Function Documentation

*int Qore::SQL::getDBIDriverCapabilities ( string  driver)

Returns an integer representing the capabilities of a DBI driver binary-OR'ed together (see DBI Capability Constants) or NOTHING if the driver is not already loaded.

Code Flags:
driverthe name of the driver; if the given driver is not already loaded then this function returns NOTHING
an integer representing the capabilities of a DBI driver binary-OR'ed together (see DBI Capability Constants) or NOTHING if the driver is not already loaded
my *int $caps = getDBIDriverCapabilities("pgsql");
See also
dbi_get_driver_capabilities() for a similar function that uses the standard function naming scheme (ie "names_like_this()" instead of "camelCase()"), always returns an int, and does not have a NOOP variant
nothing Qore::SQL::getDBIDriverCapabilities ( )

This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.

Code Flags:
*list Qore::SQL::getDBIDriverCapabilityList ( string  driver)

Returns a list of each capability supported by the given DBI driver (see DBI Capability Constants) or NOTHING if the driver cannot be found.

Code Flags:
driverthe name of the driver; if the given driver is not loaded then the function returns NOTHING
a list of each capability supported by the given DBI driver (see DBI Capability Constants) or NOTHING if the driver cannot be found
my *list $l = getDBIDriverCapabilityList("pgsql");
See also
dbi_get_driver_capability_list() for a similar function that uses the standard function naming scheme (ie "names_like_this()" instead of "camelCase()") and does not have a NOOP variant
nothing Qore::SQL::getDBIDriverCapabilityList ( )

This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.

Code Flags:
*list Qore::SQL::getDBIDriverList ( )

Returns a list of strings of DBI drivers currently loaded or NOTHING if no drivers are loaded.

a list of strings of DBI drivers currently loaded or NOTHING if no drivers are loaded
Code Flags:
my *list $l = getDBIDriverList();
See also
dbi_get_driver_list() for a similar function that uses the standard function naming scheme (ie "names_like_this()" instead of "camelCase()")
hash Qore::SQL::parseDatasource ( string  ds)

Returns a datasource hash of the components of a datasource string.

Code Flags:
dsa string describing the datasource with the following syntax:
where all elements except @db are optional
a datasource hash of the components of a datasource string
my hash $h = parseDatasource("pgsql:user/pass@dbname(utf8)%dbhost.internal:1521{min=4,max=10}");
DATASOURCE-PARSE-ERRORa syntax error occurred parsing the datasource string (missing field, unexpected character, etc)
See also
parse_datasource() for a similar function that uses the standard function naming scheme (ie "names_like_this()" instead of "camelCase()") and does not have a NOOP variant
nothing Qore::SQL::parseDatasource ( )

This function variant does nothing at all; it is only included for backwards-compatibility with qore prior to version 0.8.0 for functions that would ignore type errors in arguments.

Code Flags: