Qore Programming Language Reference Manual
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NQoreMain Qore-language namespace
 NSQLQore::SQL namespace
 CAbstractDatasourceThis class defines an abstract interface for database access, inherited by both the Datasource and DatasourcePool classes
 CDatasourceThis class provides the Qore interface to databases
 CDatasourcePoolProvides transparent per-thread, per-transaction datasource connection pooling
 CSQLStatementMost flexibilty for executing SQL on a database server
 NThreadQore::Thread namespace
 CAbstractSmartLockThe abstract base class for locks that support the internal API for use with the Condition class
 CAutoGateA helper class for the Gate class for exception-safe Gate handling
 CAutoLockA helper class for the Mutex class for exception-safe Mutex handling
 CAutoReadLockA helper class for the RWLock class for exception-safe read lock handling
 CAutoWriteLockA helper class for the RWLock class for exception-safe write lock handling
 CConditionCan be used For blocking a thread until a condition becomes True
 CCounterImplements a class that can be used for blocking a thread until a counter reaches zero
 CGateImplements a reentrant thread lock
 CMutexA class providing an implementation for a simple thread lock
 CQueueQueue objects provide a blocking, thread-safe message-passing object to Qore programs
 CRWLockImplements a read-write thread lock
 CSequenceImplements a thread-safe increment-only object
 CThreadPoolThis class defines a thread pool that grows and shrinks dynamically within user-defined limits according to the task load placed on it
 CAbstractBidirectionalIteratorThis class defines an abstract interface for bidirectional iterators
 CAbstractIteratorThis class defines an abstract interface for iterators
 CAbstractQuantifiedBidirectionalIteratorThis class defines an abstract interface for bidirectional iterators where the size of the object is known in advance
 CAbstractQuantifiedIteratorThis class defines an abstract interface for iterators where the size of the object being iterated is known in advance
 CDirThis class implements directory handling, file listing, creating/removing subdirectories, etc
 CFileThe File class allows Qore programs to read, write, and create files
 CFileLineIteratorThis class defines a line iterator for text files
 CFtpClientAllows Qore code to communicate with FTP servers with the FTP and FTPS protocols
 CGetOptThe GetOpt class provides an easy way to process POSIX-style command-line options in Qore scripts/programs
 CHashIteratorThis class an iterator class for hashes
 CHashKeyIteratorThis class an iterator class for hashes
 CHashKeyReverseIteratorThis class an iterator class for hashes
 CHashListIteratorThis class an iterator class for hashes of lists as returned by Qore::SQL::Datasource::select() and Qore::SQL::DatasourcePool::select(), both of which return hashes with keys giving column names where the key values are lists of column values
 CHashListReverseIteratorThis class a reverse iterator class for hashes of lists as returned by Qore::SQL::Datasource::select() and Qore::SQL::DatasourcePool::select(), both of which return hashes with keys giving column names where the key values are lists of column values
 CHashPairIteratorThis class an iterator class for hashes
 CHashPairReverseIteratorThis class an iterator class for hashes
 CHashReverseIteratorThis class an iterator class for hashes
 CHTTPClientCan be used to communicate with HTTP servers with and without TLS/SSL encryption
 CListHashIteratorThis class an iterator class for lists of hashes as returned by Qore::SQL::Datasource::selectRows() and Qore::SQL::DatasourcePool::selectRows(), both of which return lists of columns where each list entry is a hash of the current column values
 CListHashReverseIteratorThis class a reverse iterator class for lists of hashes as returned by Qore::SQL::Datasource::selectRows() and Qore::SQL::DatasourcePool::selectRows(), both of which return hashes with keys giving column names where the key values are lists of column values
 CListIteratorThis class an iterator class for lists
 CListReverseIteratorThis class an iterator class for lists
 CObjectIteratorThis class a basic iterator class for objects
 CObjectKeyIteratorThis class an iterator class for objectes
 CObjectKeyReverseIteratorThis class an iterator class for objects
 CObjectPairIteratorThis class an iterator class for objects
 CObjectPairReverseIteratorThis class an iterator class for objects
 CObjectReverseIteratorThis class an iterator class for objects
 CProgramProgram objects allow Qore programs to support subprograms with the option to restrict capabilities, for example, to support user-defined logic for application actions
 CRangeIteratorThis class defines a range-like iterator to be used to iterate numerical sequences
 CReadOnlyFileThe ReadOnlyFile class allows Qore programs to read existing files
 CSingleValueIteratorThis class defines a simple iterator to be used to iterate single values (or complex objects where no iterator has been implemented yet)
 CSocketAllows Qore programs safe access to network sockets
 CSSLCertificateSSLCertificate objects allow Qore code to work with X.509 certificate data
 CSSLPrivateKeyThis class implements a container for private key data
 CTermIOSThis class allows Qore scripts to get or set terminal settings on UNIX platforms
 CTimeZoneAccess to time zone functionality
 C<binary>Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on binary values
 C<bool>Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on booling-point values
 C<callref>Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on call references
 C<closure>Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on closures
 C<date>Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on date/time value types
 C<float>Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on floating-point values
 C<hash>Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on hash values
 C<int>Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on integer values
 C<list>Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on lists
 C<nothing>Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on NOTHING
 C<number>Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on arbitrary precision number values
 C<object>Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on objects
 C<string>Methods in this pseudo-class can be executed on strings
 C<value>Methods in this pseudo-class are available to be executed on any value type (even NOTHING); this is the root class for all pseudo-classes