Qorus Integration Engine  3.0.4.p7
make-release: Qorus Release Packager

make-release [options] [release-label] [files...]

The make-release script should be used to package Qorus user releases for automated installation. This script will package all files to be delivered and created an automated installation package using oload to load all objects into the target Qorus schema.

The script assumes that all user files are stored user $HOME/user, use the –U, -p, or -P options to change.

The script creates the release in $HOME/releases in a subdirectory named qorus-user-releaselabel. To change the target directory, use the –r option (or set the $QORUS_RELEASE_DIR environment variable before running the script).

This script creates a release directory with the following contents:

Release Directory Contents

Filename Description
install.sh The automated installer script. This script is copied from $OMQ_DIR/templates
qorus-user-releaselabel.tar.gz The compressed tar archive of the user files to be installed
releases/qorus-user-<release-label>.qrf A loader command file is automatically created for all Qorus objects to be loaded in the new schema

The install.sh script in this directory can be edited (actions added to the pre_install and post_install functions) if necessary (for example, to delete services or delete cached workflow definitions to ensure that new objects are immediately used).

The release can be tar’ed and compressed for distribution by using the -c option.

The make-release script should always be used to create new releases as future version of Qorus Integration Engine will likely include release tracking and rollback support, and make-release will allow these features to be used transparently.

Options Supported by make-release

Long Option Short Description
–compress -c Creates a ".tar.bz2" archive of the release created
–refresh -f Includes a command in the release file to refresh all loaded objects in the server automatically
–full-release -F verify release completeness, only with -i
–install -i Execute the install.sh immediately to perform a local installation of the release just created (useful for testing)
–user=ARG -u sets the source directory (when not present, assumes ".")
–user-src=ARG -U sets the user source directory
–prefix=ARG -p sets user prefix directory for relative paths (implies -U.) (note: makes a flat release in this dir)
–add-prefix=ARG -P Sets the directory name prefix for the package (ie -Puser = prepend "user" to the target release directory)
–load-file=ARG -l Create only a loader file (do not give a release label with this option)
–loader-only=ARG -L stage system release; create only loader files here
–user-sql=ARG -q Adds an SQL file to execute in the omquser schema when installing
–release-dir=ARG -r Sets the directory where the release will be created (default $QORUS_RELEASE_DIR)
–show-release-dir -R Show the release directory and exit
–system-dir=ARG -s set system dir (also sets -S)
–system -S make system release
–verbose -v output more information
–help -h Prints command help text