Qorus Integration Engine  3.0.4.p7
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 arch-v2.9.0.qsdQorus archive service
 datasource-v3.0.qsdDEPRECATED: provides backwards-compatible access to datasources
 fs-v1.0.qsdAccess to the filesystem
 info-v3.1.9.3.qsdStatus information service
 misc.qlDefines functions used in the client library
 omqmap-v3.0.4.qsdQorus internal mapping service
 prop-v3.0.qsdAPI for accessing system properties/parameters
 qorus-client.qlThis is the main include file for the Qorus client library
 qorus-common-server-api.qlFunctions common to workflow, service, and job APIs
 qorus-job-api.qlFunctions specific to the job API
 qorus-lib-client-service-deprecated.qlDefines deprecated functions used in the client library and included in the service API
 qorus-old-doconly.qlOld deprecated functions imported only for backwards compatibility
 qorus-service-api.qlFunctions imported into Qorus service Program objects
 qorus-workflow-api.qlFunctions specific to the workflow API
 qorus.qlDefines constants for the Qorus Integration Engine
 QorusAPI.qcDefines classes used in the client library
 QorusSystemAPI.qcDefines the Qorus System API methods
 queue-v2.8.qsdManages asynchronous queues and data for Qorus
 remote-v3.0.qsdDEPRECATED: provides backwards-compatible access to predefined remote Qorus instances
 sqlutil-v1.2.qsdAccess to SqlUtil functionality from system datasources
 status-v3.0.qsdDEPRECATED: provides a backwards-compatible API for external status changes to be made to workflow orders
 tibco-v2.6.qsdTIBCO adapter sharing service
 tibrv-api-gateway-v2.6.qsdAccess to the Qorus API through Rendezvous calls