Qorus Integration Engine  3.0.4.p7
qevent: Command-Line Event Monitor

qevent [options]

qevent listens for Qorus system events and outputs them to the terminal. Press any key to stop listening and exit the program.

Event Filtering Options Supported by qevent

Long Option Short Description
–and -A use AND logic for event filtering and OR NOT logic for negative filtering (default +OR, -AND NOT)
–class=arg -c show event class=arg (initial character match)
–event=arg -e show event=arg (regex match)
–severity=arg -y show events with severity ARG
–user-severity=arg -t show events with user severity ARG
–user-event=arg -n show user events with name ARG
–not-class=arg -C include class ARG in negative filter
–not-event=arg -E include event ARG in negative filter
–not-severity=arg -Y include severity ARG in negative filter
–not-user-severity=arg -T include user severity ARG in negative filter
–not-user-event=arg -N include user event ARG in negative filter
–raw -R show raw event info

Reference Info Options Supported by qevent

Long Option Short Description
–list-classes -l list all class codes and exit
–list-events -x list all event codes and exit
–list-severity -z list all severity levels and exit

Websocket Options

–list-logs -L list online websocket log sources
–stream-log=ARG -S stream given log websocket source
–jstream=ARG -J stream given JSON websocket source

Miscellaneous Options Supported by qevent

Long Option Short Description
–history=ARG -H Sets the number of old messages to display on start
–url=ARG -u Set URL: "http://host:port"; at least host or port must be given; ex: "http://server1:8501/RPC2"; see UNIX Socket Support in URLs
–proxy-url=ARG -p Set the proxy URL: "http://host:port"; at least host or port must be given; ex: "http://proxy1:8080"; see UNIX Socket Support in URLs
–show-url -W Shows the default URL
–verbose -v sets verbosity level (more -v's = more info)
–help -h Prints command help text